Mobile Building Surveying & Inspection Software for Busy Surveyors

PocketSurvey is mobile-friendly building surveying & inspection software that will speed up your compliance, property, and asset management projects, with fast mobile data collection on tablets or phones

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Speed up onsite surveying with these mobile surveyors apps and make your surveying teams super efficient. This survey software produces professional surveyor reports, including a table of contents, executive summaries, detailed information, photographs, and boilerplate sections.

With PocketSurvey Surveying Software, you eliminate tiring and repetitive report writing and save yourself hours of effort!

Finish Your Surveying Projects More Quickly

Mobile Data Collection. With PocketSurvey you can choose from a large range of ready-to-go survey templates that will help you quickly complete your data collection onsite.

Quality Reports. You can produce your final client survey reports and export spreadsheets immediately from your mobile tablet, or phone or desktop PC.

Save Time & Money. Over the decades we have helped numerous organisations like yourself become more efficient in their surveying operations. Contact us to help you.

Surveying Templates. Scroll through the range of surveying software templates shown below. Then look at the screenshots of a typical app.

Dive into the details of each app that you are interested in to see example reports and videos.

Fire Safety Inspection Templates

Fire Door Software

  Fire Door Inspections

This Fire Door Inspection software is specifically designed for fire door inspectors. It will help you manage and track the inspection and maintenance of fire doors in a building and generate reports on the spot.

"We have been so delighted with the product, the technical support and the overall experience of working with James and his team." - Tony O

Fire Risk Software

  Fire Risk Assessments

This Fire Risk Assessment software guides you through a systematic evaluation of a building to identify potential fire hazards and assess the risk associated with those hazards.

"Your system made a great difference to our year and helped our company grow. I wish you the very best for your company and products in the future." - Ignis Safety Consultants

Fire Spaces Software

  Fire Spaces Software

With the Fire Stopping & Compartmentation software, you can carry out a compartmentation survey and follow it with fire-stopping works, with before and after photos.

"We have been so delighted with the product, the technical support and the overall experience of working with James and his team." - Triman Fire Safety & Security

Commercial Survey Templates

Planned Maintenance Software

  Planned Maintenance

This Planned Maintenance software is designed to help you manage the entire lifecycle of your building assets, capturing condition, photographs, long-term capital replacement costs and optional short-term reactive repair works.

"PocketSurvey is a powerful application that not only allows us to capture and verify the condition of plant assets but has also helped us to streamline a number of internal processes. It has been a pleasure to work with James." - Hemlow Ltd

Schedule of Condition Software

  Schedule of Condition

This Schedule of Condition software helps you record the condition of a property for landlords and property owners using photographs with captions, customisible element descriptions and defect lists.

"Working with the PocketSurvey team has been really great, we have developed a survey for our rail operations team to deliver condition and dilapidation surveys for a major UK Train operating Company." Nigel D - Strategic Team Group Ltd

General Building Survey Software

  General Building Surveys

This General Building Survey software is perfect for inspecting the condition of a building before purchase or renovations or for assessing the overall situation of a building.

"Great support for a first time user. The possibilities look amazing. Recommend you give it a try." - Reveal Building Consultants

Housing Survey Templates

Housing Stock Condition Software

  Housing Stock Condition

This Housing Stock Condition software helps organizations assess and manage the condition of their housing stock. It can be used by housing authorities, property management companies, and other surveying practices to track the state of individual properties and generate reports on the overall condition of the housing stock.

"The functionality, flexibility and scale of the survey designer means that you can easily create your own bespoke surveys covering anything from HHSRS/Decent Homes to Asbestos or customer satisfaction." - Saffron Housing

HHSRS Inspection Software

  HHSRS Inspections

The HHSRS Inspection (Housing Health and Safety Rating System) software helps you assess the risk of the 29 hazards, including excess cold, heat, falls, and fire.

"Best survey app so far! My company were looking at asbestos survey solutions but came away with the HHSRS and Stock Condition modules as well. Real easy to use and the desktop software makes my life a lot easier." - Adam C

Residential Home Survey Software

  Residential Home Surveys

With this Pre-Purchase Home Survey software, you choose from a set of pre-built menus to build a flexible commentary from standard phrases that you can modify within the software.

"The product saves hours of office-based formatting/reporting time and will pay for itself in the first couple of surveys. The skills, knowledge and support is exceptional and they're always on hand to resolve any queries or issues that may arise." - Dave F

Compliance Assessment Templates

Asbestos Survey Software

  Asbestos Surveys

This Asbestos Survey software is easy to use and helps you manage the process of identifying and evaluating the presence of asbestos in buildings using your smartphone or tablet.

"The ability to produce a really nice looking report without having paper notes or writing up piles of data back in the office, has saved me literally days of work." - Pilgrims Hospices

Legionella Assessment Software

  Legionella Assessments

This Legionella Risk Assessment software is used to evaluate the risk of Legionella bacteria in water systems, such as those found in buildings, hospitals, and other public places.

"Excellent First class App does what it says on the tin. No more paper!" - Eugene D

Damp & Mould Survey Software

  Damp & Mould Surveys

Our popular Damp & Mould Survey software helps you inspect a building's exterior and interior, including the walls, floors, ceilings, and areas prone to dampness.

"I've had some great feedback from your references, and first hand experiences of using the PocketSurvey software." Robert, D - Social Housing Surveying Practice"

Quick PocketSurvey Surveying Software Screenshot Tour

To get an overview of how the PocketSurvey Surveying Software looks, browse the following screenshots. Each app is different, but these screenshots show examples of common areas of the software.

Each app will, of course, have extra features specific to the survey type.

Buildings List Screen

The Buildings List screen shows your building addresses, organised by town, along with a thumbnail of the main photo.

Reports. On the right are two icons: one to create a report, and another to display your report as a PDF.

Bottom Icons. The icons at the bottom let you select the main areas of the app.

Main Menu. The menu at the top left enables you to select more advanced areas of the app, such as: Job Calendar, Jobs Progress, Clients, Users, App Design, and Help.

Building Details Screen

The Building Details screen displays a front-page photo and, as you scroll down, the overall building inspection details. Just below the photo are icons for everyday actions; these are described below.

Add items. Using the Add Item icon, just below the building photo, you can add new items for the building.

Create Report. You can generate a report by selecting the Create Report icon. Once your report is ready to view, the Open Report icon will be displayed to the right allowing you to open the building inspection report as a PDF.

Open Report. As mentioned above, this icon will be displayed when your report is available to view. When the report loads, you can save it to your preferred location, or email it to your client.

Items List Screen

The Items List screen shows all the items assessed during your inspection, along with a thumbnail of the item photo.

Description. Below the description of the item, you can see its location within the building.

Status. On the right, you can see a colour-coded status of the item based on its status.

Items Details Screen

Overlaid on the item photo is the description of the item and its Status.

Status. The item status is shown below the item description.

Adding Items. To add another item within the building, select the Another Item icon shown in the row of action icons.

Copying Items. You can duplicate individual items and apply them to different buildings by selecting Copy This Item icon.

Jobs Calendar

You can plan and view your inspections with our handy built-in calendar, colour-coded by the surveyor name. This gives you a good overview of your workload, especially if you have a team of surveyors.

Viewing Options. You can view your calendar by month, week, or day, according to your preferences. Use the arrows on either side of the date to navigate through the calendar. Your daily calendar additionally displays the time of Inspection for that day.

Building Maps

On the Maps dashboard screen, you can preview the location details of all your buildings being inspected.

Location. The location of your building is visible on the map as a red pin.

Address. Alongside your building thumbnail, you can select the address to directly open the building details page.

Search. You can also filter the list of buildings shown on the map by doing a free format search using the spyglass icon.

Job Progress

The Job Progress screen makes organising and managing your surveys simple. There are different types of progress screens.

By Status. The left side of the screen shows an overview of the statuses of your building inspections. Scheduled is shown as red, started in purple, pending as orange, and any completed surveys will be shown in green. There’s a count alongside the statuses. This is useful to check any survey backlogs you may have.

By Date. You can see the buildings organised by date. These are shown in date order, with the most recent surveys being displayed first. Colour coding of the inspection date to match the inspection status makes it easy to understand the current progress.

Changing User Options

The PocketSurvey app is very customisable. You can control how the app works by turning on and off features to suit your own workflow. For example, if you don't do priority assessments, you can turn these off. If you don't want to use Jobs or Sites, you can turn these off as well.

Report Fields. One of the main areas you will need to customise first is what company information you want to appear in your reports. You can enter your preferred report title, company contact details, and company address. If you upload your company logo, it will be added to every report automatically.

Custom Survey Template Design

This modern app is unique in that you can configure the lists of building elements and their associated descriptions, features, defects and recommendations. These items and descriptions will then appear in the drop-down lists when recording your inspections.

App Design. On the App Setup menu, you can configure your own variant of this inspection app. There are various sections you can change.

Help & Support

The Help and Support pages give you quick and easy access to resolve your troubleshooting issues directly within the app!

Help Topic. The help topics are divided into sections. You should see answers to the most common questions that arise when using the app. Select the relevant topic to open the help page giving more details and external links. We have included lots of helpful tips and tricks in the help pages, making your experience of PocketSurvey enjoyable.

Happy & productive customers from all sectors

Royal Low-Cost NHS Hospital Torvik Facilities Management Tersus Consultancy Ltd - Euro Safet Walsall Council John Rowan and Partners Diocese of Durham Laser Electrical Services Ltd RPS Consulting Services Ltd Triman Passive Fire Arcus Consulting LLP Horizon Housing Association Calford Seaden MCP Environmental Saffron Housing Association Southwark Council

Do YOU want to become a super-efficient surveyor, make more profit, and have more leisure time?
Fill in the form below to find out how to get started with our mobile-friendly surveying software.

Call Sales: 0161 818 4683

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