Legionella Surveying Software for Legionella Reports

Explanation of the Law, HSE ACOP & L8, and whether accreditation is required or not?

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L8 HSE Legionella Risk Assessment Surveys - PDF Template

This blog post explains what to expect from legionella assessment reports (PDF), and what mobile tablet software can be used to achieve the quickest results.

It also explains the Law, HSE ACOP & L8 , and whether accreditation is required or not?

What is Legionella?

Legionnaires disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia caused by the inhalation of small droplets of contaminated water containing Legionella.

All man-made hot and cold water systems are likely to provide an environment where Legionella can grow.

The Law - Legal Obligations!

The law is clear that if you are a landlord and rent out your property (or even a room within your own home) then you have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of your tenant by keeping the property safe and free from health hazards.

Duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA) extend to risks from legionella bacteria, which may arise from work activities.

The Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) and and accompanying technical guidance (L8) makes it clear that legionella is a hazardous substance for the purpose of the COSHH regulations and provides the guidance which will assist with the making of a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risk (risk assessment for short).

Aim of a Legionnaire Assessment

The purpose of a legionella risk assessment is to identify the risks in relation to legionella to help the control of legionella bacteria in water systems.

Legionella Assessment PDF Reports

The risk assessment inspection report is aimed at duty holders, including employers, those in control of premises and those with health and safety responsibilities for others, to help them comply with their legal duties in relation to legionella.

These include identifying and assessing sources of risk, preparing a scheme to prevent or control risk, implementing, managing and monitoring precautions, keeping records of precautions and appointing a manager to be responsible for others.

Specifically the compliance report template is used to assist the client in:

Here is a legionella risk assessment report sample

Legionella Software For Tablets & Phones

The easiest way you to catch up on your legionella inspection backlogs is to carry out legionella inspection checklists on your mobile devices such as Android tablets or phones.

This tablet software allows you to complete regular legionella inspections quickly onsite and then produce comprehensive inspection reports almost instantly back at base.

If you are not carrying out inspections yourself you should expect your service provider to be using the very latest latest legionella compliance software to keep costs down.

  Low-cost Trial Legionella Inspection App

Legionella Accreditation?

Being accredited for Legionella risk assessment is NOT mandatory!

However, there is the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) that you can join if your customers 'think' you should be accredited, and perhaps this may give your clients confidence in the quality and integrity of your services.

You may also come across the Legionella Control Association (LCA) which is NOT an accreditation body but is a voluntary organisation whose membership comprises providers of services and products concerned with the control of legionella bacteria in water systems. Join if you think you will benefit from their services

Related Articles & Forums - Legionella

Let me know if you have an interesting article or forum to share about legionella and I can link to it below. Also please link back to this article and share with your colleagues.

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